Tadika Kastil was established in year 2011 under Sarjana Jaya Education Group. It was officially launched by the Deputy Minister of Ministry of Higher Education, YB Dr. Hou Kok Chung, on 19 Apr 2011.
In year 2011, with 15 years of experience in Tuition Education Industry and Children Educational Enrichment Training Program, Sarjana Jaya Education Group ran many tuition schools under the brand name, Pusat Tuisyen Sarjana Jaya, across the whole Malaysia with the famous CIM (Combine Introduction Method) teaching material and GLM (Genius Learning Method) learning skill. It was a well-known brand name in Education Industry in Malaysia. Besides, it had also won many international awards in year 2007 and 2008.
Throughout the years, the founder of Sarjana Jaya Education Group, Mr. Victor Lee and Ms. Mavis Chew, together with the team have also found out that the education system for the younger age, especially the pre-school age, is much more important than the older age. According to the research of scientists, 80% of the brain cells of kids together with their core values and believes have been developed at the age of 6.
At the same time, in order for their daughter to study in their own kindergarten, the founders decided to set up the first kindergarten, Tadika Kastil (Castle Kindergarten), under Sarjana Jaya Education Group in year 2009. It took two years to complete the project from acquiring the land, drawing the architect diagram of the building, getting approval from authorities to construction of the building.
ICTM (International Creative Teaching Method)
The establishment of Tadika Kastil has created a big impact in Ear-ly Childhood Education in Malaysia through its features, facilities and also the unique teaching methodology, ICTM (International Creative Teaching Method) which aims to cultivate outstanding, happy and successful kids. The enrolment of the students in the first year and subsequently years have been encouraging.
Therefore, with more fund being invested by investors, Sarjana Jaya Education Group decides to set up the second branch of Tadika Kastil in 2015 at a very strategic location, Taman Setia Tropika, which is an administrative hub for the National Registration Department to issue passport for Johor people.

At the same time, Sarjana Jaya Education Group also opens the franchising business opportunities under the brand name, "Tadika Kastil" & "Tadika Sarjana Jaya" for entrepreneurs who agree with the teaching methodology of Tadika Kastil and have strong passion in running kindergarten business.
Tadika Sarjana Jaya is a twin sister of Tadika Kastil. It uses the same teaching methodology and syllabus as Tadika Kastil but with smaller premises and floor area to cater different situation and needs.
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